Terms of Use

The purpose of this article is to set out the terms and conditions which govern use of the website yellow.piraeusbank.gr, and in general of the website of Yellow Rewards Program of Piraeus Bank (hereinafter referred to as 'the website').
Use of the website requires full and unreserved acceptance of the stated terms, which apply to the entire content of the site.

Provision of information and updating

Piraeus Bank makes every possible effort to ensure that all contents of the website are accurate, correct, full, up-to-date, adequate and available, but it cannot guarantee that all these criteria will invariably be met.
In no circumstances, even in the event of neglect, can Piraeus Bank accept liability for any loss incurred by a user of the website as a result of this use.
The information and other data made available to users on the website - insofar as they do not concern Piraeus Bank itself - are gathered by Piraeus Bank from sources available to the public and are offered to users of the website solely and exclusively for their information. None of this information should be understood to represent the views or express the position of Piraeus Bank.
The Bank does not carry out any evaluation or assessment of the information provided, and does not accept, adopt or approve of it in any way; the provision of this information via the website cannot in any circumstances be regarded as the offering of advice or recommendations, nor should it be interpreted as an offer, a proposal or the acceptance of a proposal for the concluding of any contract, agreement or transaction with Piraeus Bank or with any third party.
The user bears the sole responsibility for his use, evaluation, assessment and utilization of any information provided. Any business or other decisions made on the basis of this information are made entirely at the responsibility of the user and the Bank cannot be required to make good any losses, potential or actual, resulting from use of the information provided via the website.

Links to the websites of third parties

Piraeus Bank website gives its users the opportunity to move via special connections (links, hyperlinks, banners) to the websites of third parties, design of the content of which is entirely the responsibility of these parties.
Piraeus Bank cannot guarantee the availability of these linked sites and does not approve of or accept liability for the content, correctness, legality, fullness, actuality or accuracy of the information, or the quality and properties of the products and services offered to the public by these parties through the aforesaid websites.
Piraeus Bank accepts no liability for errors or operating faults in the websites of third parties, nor for any loss sustained by users from access to these sites or from use of the information, services and products available on these sites.

Copyright – Brand names and logos

The content of the website (programmes, information material of all kinds, data, software, graphics, brands, commercial names, logos etc.) is the property of Piraeus Bank or any person to whom rights are assigned by the Bank, and is protected by the provisions of Greek and European legislation.
No amendment, publication, transmission, transfer, reproduction, distribution, presentation, linking, downloading or other use of the content - in whole or in part - of the site is allowed in any way, by any means, for commercial or other purposes, without the prior written consent of Piraeus Bank or the person to whom rights are assigned by the Bank.

Operation of the website

The internet is not a secure environment and, although Piraeus Bank uses anti-virus software, it cannot guarantee that the website will function without interruption and free of any error or virus, and it cannot accept liability for any loss of data or other loss incurred by the user or third parties, whether due to use/copying/downloading, or to corruption by viruses or other unauthorized interventions by third parties in files and data made available through the website.
The user is solely responsible for protection of his own system against viruses.

User conduct

Users of the website must respect the rules and provisions of Greek, European and international law, and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, and must refrain from any illegal or inappropriate behaviour in their use of the site and in relation to the site, and from adoption of any practices of unfair competition, or other illegal practices. The user shall be liable for any damage caused to Piraeus Bank website as a result of malicious or inappropriate use of the site and the services offered via the site.
In the event of Piraeus Bank finding itself involved in any litigation or required to pay any kind of compensation as a result of a breach by a user of the obligations set out in these terms and conditions, the user shall compensate the Bank for the loss incurred.
Access to certain information on the site requires the use of a PIN number supplied by the Bank; each user is solely responsible for protecting the confidentiality of this number and must accept liability for any loss to himself or the Bank resulting from use of his PIN by an unauthorized third party.

Amendment of terms and conditions of use

Piraeus Bank reserves the right to amend - at any time and without prior notification of the users - these terms and conditions of use as well as the content of the website, announcing any such change by means of the website. Users shall be obliged on each occasion they visit the site to check for any such changes; continued use of the site will constitute evidence of their acceptance of any changes.


What are cookies?

Cookies are called the small text documents stored on the computer or on any other device visitors/users use to access the Internet, every time they visit a website.

Through cookies you do not get access to the documents on the visitor’s/user’s device. Furthermore, cookies cannot harm the visitor’s/user’s device and they do not store personal data.

What kind of cookies are used?

Piraeus Bank uses on its website yellow.piraeusbank.gr functionality cookies, which are necessary for the provision of the services offered, and statistic cookies, in order to define the areas which are useful or popular, measuring user visits and assisting website administrators improve its performance and content.
The specific cookies do not collect information through which the visitor could be identified.

How can you disable cookies?

Web browsers on the Internet are usually set up by default to accept cookies.
Therefore, if you want to modify the function of the web browser you are using, so that it warns you on the use of cookies, or block cookies at any time, you must go to the settings of the web browser program you are using.
It is noted that not accepting the use cookies may have an impact on the ability of the Bank to provide some services or/and information.