Terms and Conditions of Yellow Rewards Program


Article 1 – Overview. The “Yellow” Rewards Program's purpose is to reward individuals who are the Bank's Customers, for their entire banking relationship with its products/services, as specified in each case by the Bank under various criteria, at the Bank's sole discretion (i.e. transactions, Members' participation in activities, competitions etc.).

Article 2 – Definitions of «Yellow» Rewards Program. Application: The application for participating in «Yellow» Rewards Program is submitted by the Individual and includes its contact information. Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions of «Yellow» Rewards Program, as applicable. Member: Individuals who are the Bank's Customers and have enrolled in the Program. Program: The “Yellow” Rewards Program of the Bank, which rewards Members as referred to under Article 1. yellows: points collected by the Members as a reward. Yellow Account: The account where yellows are accumulated, which is unique for every Member. Yellow Code: the unique code which is issued when enrolling in the Program and is used for Member identification in the Bank. The Yellow Code is sent through an SMS message, through email or any other appropriate means. The Code can be used in the future and in other cases, in addition to identification, based on the options that the Program will offer, always in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the Bank. Partners: The cooperating companies which participate in the Program and are posted on its official website. Yellow Offers: The offers and privileges that Members benefit from, by participating in the Program, such as Gift Cards, Discount Coupons, Coupons, Partner Discounts. Yellow app: Through the app for mobile devices “Yellow”, members/users have the ability to get informed about the Yellow Account transactions, Yellow Offers and how to obtain them, according to the terms and conditions of the app.

Article 3 – Enrollment and Member Identification. 3.1 By enrolling in the Program, Members are informed of these Terms, agree and unreservedly accept that these Terms govern exclusively the rights and any obligations arising from their participation in the Program. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 3.2, Members are enrolled in the Program by submitting an Application through one of the following channels: the Bank's branch Network (hereinafter “the Network”), electronically via the Piraeus e-banking service (hereinafter “Piraeus e-banking”). The Bank, throughout the entire duration of the Program, may provide other enrollment options, which will be announced, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.
3.2. Participation Requirements: Individuals, new and existing customers of the Bank who have at least one active product, or the Individuals who are provided with a service by the Bank, may participate in the Program. Also, in order Individuals to participate in the Program, their loan repayments must be up-to-date and show no arrears longer than sixty (60) calendar days and/or any other debt towards the Bank and/or they must not have submitted an application for inclusion in provisions of Law 3869/2010s and/or no other conditions must apply that may be included in the Yellow Rewards Table 2A, which constitutes an integral part of these Terms, as expressly stated in Article 4.3. In case the Individual has a defined professional activity in the Bank as an Individual Enterprise or a Professional and at the same time, has a Business Debit Card and / or a Business Credit Card issued by the Bank, which participates in the Program, then the Individual may also collect yellows from the 2B Yellow Rewards Table. The starting date for collecting yellows according to Table 2B is defined as the next one, from the date of the above professional activity determination with parallel possession of the above Business Card/s, or from the enrollment date in the Program with the above, defined professional activity and parallel possession of Business Card/s. 3.3 The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject the Individual's application to participate in the Program, at its discretion, without notifying the Individual for the reasons of rejection. It also reserves the right to add additional enrollment criteria or modify the existing ones. 3.4 Member Contact Information: Upon enrollment, the Member for the purposes of the Program (indicatively for enrollment, rewards statement, acquisition of Yellow code, redemption of yellows, etc.) and for the purposes of identification, provides and / or updates the Bank with his mobile phone number, email address, home address, and any other contact information requested by the Bank. 3.5 In addition, the Member, during participation in the Program, is obliged to notify in writing to the Network or as otherwise specified by the Bank, any change in his/her contact details (eg e-mail address, landline / mobile phone number, etc.). Until such change is notified to the Bank, any mailing of a document (printed and / or electronic) to the old address and / or any text message (SMS) sent to the old mobile phone number is considered valid, without the Bank being responsible for loss of mail or lack of communication with the Member.

Article 4 - Collection of yellows. 4.1 Duration-Expiration: The yellows that have been registered until 31/5/2022 are valid for two (2) years from the date of their registration in the Υellow Account of the Member. The yellows that are registered after 01/06/2022 have a validity period of one (1) year from the date of their registration in the Yellow Account of the Member. Yellows that have not been used within the above period, are automatically deleted from the Yellow Account, without the Member's notification being an obligation of the Bank. 4.2 Transfer / Assignment etc: yellows cannot be transferred or assigned to any third party, Member of the Program or not, cannot be used, granted, sold, exchanged, inherited or transferred to third parties, unless the Bank decides to do so by modifying the reward options generally or individually. 4.3 Υellow Rewards Table: Program Members collect yellows based on the respective Υellow Rewards Table (hereinafter referred to as the "Table"), which is an integral part of the Program Terms. The Table is posted on the official website of the Bank for the Program and is the current policy of rewards with yellows of Piraeus Bank. However, in case of the delay referred to in Article 3.2, or other reasons constituting a breach of the Terms of the Program occur, then the collection of yellows automatically ceases, even if the Member uses banking products and / or services that reward yellows according to the Table. 4.4 The Table, indicatively, will display: a. the ways in which the Member is rewarded, for example by the frequency of use of the Bank's products, services and / or service channels, by his/her relation with the Bank, by the products / services and / or transactions involved, by activities etc. b. the yellows calculation method, the way of rounding and if applicable, the maximum number of yellows that can be collected on a monthly and / or annual basis per reward method or in total in the Yellow Account, c. the criteria for collecting / displaying / making available yellows in the Υellow Account, d. the ratio of yellows specifically for the use of cards and e. the period required for registering in the Yellow Account, so that the way of collecting yellows is completely transparent. 4.5 In the event that yellows have been inadvertently calculated for the benefit or at the expense of the Member, the Bank will unilaterally correct the Υellow Account by informing the Member by any appropriate means. The Bank reserves the right to propose to the Member alternatives to any incorrect calculation of yellows, in order for the Υellow Account to return to its previous, before the error, state. The Member declares that he/she will cooperate with the Bank, in order to restore incorrect yellows records, either for or against him/her. 4.6 In the event that a Member legally exercises the right to withdraw or cancel, revoke or not complete a transaction for which he/she has been rewarded according to the Program, the Bank shall have the right to unilaterally, at its discretion, delete yellows corresponding to the above transaction, without further notice to the Member.

Article 5 - Redemption. 5.1 Means to redeem yellows: yellows collected by the Member, can be redeemed, in whole or in part, for the acquisition / issuance of Υellow Offers and / or the acquisition of goods and / or services of the Partners who have electronic devices for receiving card transactions (hereinafter "POS") and / or accept electronic payments remotely or not, via cards (hereinafter "e-POS"). 5.2 Acquisition / issuance & redemption of Υellow Offers: For the acquisition / issuance of Υellow Offers of Partners in order to purchase goods and / or services in any of their physical and / or online stores, the Bank, at the time Yellow Offers are granted, will duly identify the Member. The Member, will be able to receive them in printed form from the Branch Network and / or in electronic form (email), through Υellow app or through any other means the Bank chooses in the future and notifies the Members of the Program. In case the Member wishes to be informed about the right to cancel the Yellow Offers he/she has already acquired (if they have not expired or redeemed) or if he/she wishes more information on how to manage them, then he/she should visit one of the Bank Branches or call Customer Service at 2103288000.
Each Yellow Offer will be valid for a period of three (3) calendar months from the date it was issued / granted or any other period of time set by the Bank and / or the Partner. In each redemption transaction, it is possible to use one or more Υellow Offers, based on what is defined on them. In order for the Υellow Offer to be valid, it must bear all the following information: i. the Partner's identity and/or its trademark, ii. the nominal value, iii. the value in yellows, iv. the Code, v. the date it was issued / granted, vi. its expiration date (from the date of issue) by which the owner may redeem it and vii. the terms of the Υellow Offer. Yellow Offers can be redeemed at Partners on behalf of the Member or on behalf of a third party designated by the Member (hereinafter the "Bearer"), who will have to make a transaction at the Partner, equal to or greater than the value of the Yellow Offer. If the total cost of purchase at the Partner exceeds the Υellow Offer’s (e.g. Gift Card) nominal value, the Bearer must pay the difference to the Partner, either in cash or by any other means agreed between them. As long as the cost of purchase is covered by the Υellow Offer’s value, the Bearer will be exempted from any obligation to pay the Partner. In case the total cost of the purchase is less than the value of the Υellow Offer, the Partner shall, in no case, pay the difference to the Bearer and the Υellow Offer will be considered redeemed. Yellow Offers can never be redeemed in cash and their Bearer to the Partner is considered to be the Member according to these Terms and the Bank is not liable in the event of redemption by a non-Member. Timely redemption of each Υellow Offer by the Bearer can be made without exception of products or time period and for products of the Partner that are at a discount or any kind of offer, as well as for the discount period and for the days that the Partner has set as "Offer Days", unless otherwise specified in the terms of the Υellow Offer, of which the Bearer must be aware. In case of loss or theft, the Υellow Offer is not replaced. After its expiration date, the Υellow Offer will not be accepted and cannot be replaced by another. 5.3 Acquisition of goods and / or services with redemption of yellows: yellows are redeemed by the Member for the acquisition of goods and / or services, of the Cooperating Companies with the Bank, in successful transactions at their POS or e-POS, using cards participating in the Program, based on the Table terms and the official website of the Bank yellow.piraeusbank.gr, provided that the Member meets the criteria of Article 3.2. The redemption of yellows will take place with an agreed exchange rate between the Bank and the Cooperating Company. The total number of yellows before and after the redemption and the amount corresponding to the specific number of yellows to be redeemed, will be displayed through a special application of POS / e-POS, information which must be disclosed, as applicable, by the Cooperating Company. In the case of redemption against part of the value of the goods and / or services, the redemption will concern a specific amount of the total value of those goods and / or services, to which a certain number of yellows will correspond. The Bank has the right to suspend to the Cooperating Company the ability of yellows redemption, which have already been collected by the Members of the Program. 5.4 The Bank has the right to choose other ways to redeem yellows in the future, in which case it will notify its Members. 5.5 The Bank may, at any time, set a minimum and / or maximum number of yellows for the partial and / or total redemption per transaction, which number will change in total or will be differentiated by the Bank per redemption channel. In addition, the Bank and the Cooperating Company may agree to apply a minimum and / or maximum number of yellows per transaction, only at the Cooperating Company’s Physical / Electronic Stores. The minimum and maximum number of yellows will be announced on the official website of the Bank's Program. 5.6 Also, the Bank may at any time set a maximum number of redemption yellows on an annual basis, for each Member, a change which the Bank will announce according to the Article 5.5. 5.7 In case of partial redemption of yellows, they are deducted from the Υellow Account of the Member, based on the date of registration from the oldest to the most recent. 5.8 The conditions under which the Yellow Offers will be granted, as well as the ability of yellows redemption directly at POS / e-POS of cooperating with the Bank companies, belong to the discretion and exclusive decision of the Bank. In case the Members do not meet the requirements of article 3.2, during the redemption of yellows, then the ability of redemption automatically ceases and their old expiration date will apply, according to the date of entry in the Υellow Account. It is noted, that the Bank is not obliged to inform the Member about the cessation of the redemption ability, nor about its activation after the settlement of the Member’s debts. 5.9 The Bank is not responsible for the sales agreements, especially for the price, delivery, quality, etc. of the goods and / or services that Members receive by the Cooperating Companies with the Program. Also, the Bank is not responsible for any damage or loss that any Member may suffer, resulting from the Partners' failure to fulfill and/or not properly fulfill their redemption obligations. 5.10 Without prejudice to the specific conditions mentioned under these Terms and the Table, which forms an integral part of the Program Terms, yellows are collected, retained and redeemed solely and exclusively according to the Program Terms, as applicable. 5.11 The Bank may announce special offers for redemption and / or collection of yellows or other offers and privileges in the context of promotions either to all Members, or to selected customers, or with selected ways of rewarding or individual transactions based on its commercial policy. The Member are informed in the way referred to in Article 6. 5.12 The Bank shall not be held liable to its Members if any Partner discontinues cooperation and is accused of misleading them.

Article 6 - Members Program statement and Yellow Account Statement. 6.1 Program Statement: The Member is informed about the terms and amendments of the Program through the Network, the official website of the Bank yellow.piraeusbank.gr, and / or in any other appropriate means at the Bank's discretion (via fixed or mobile phone, SMS, emails, Piraeus e-banking” etc.). 6.2 Yellow Account Statement: The Member may be informed of the transactions of the Υellow Account (available balance, collection, redemption, expiration of yellows with the date and the way of collection / redemption / expiration, as well as the collection / redemption channel) for a period of time determined by the Bank and through a means designated by the Bank each time, currently through Piraeus e-banking”, Contact Center provided the Member has Piraeus phone-banking codes by calling at 2103288000, the Network, the Yellow app and any other way defined in the future. The Bank reserves the right to inform Members through fixed and / or mobile phone, SMS, emails, newsletters, personal letters, through Υellow app’s push notifications etc. based on the information that the Member communicated to the Bank.

Article 7 - Amendment, Termination and Suspension of the Program by the Bank, Membership Deletion, Membership Cancelation. 7.1 The Bank reserves the right to modify the Terms of the Program at any time, including the Terms of the Table and the modifications will be announced to Members by the means mentioned in Article 6. Any modification of the Terms of the Program does not presuppose prior notice and consent of the Member. Members should visit regularly the Bank’s official website for the Program to be informed of any changes, as well as the latest version of the Program. Using of rewards or activities and/or yellows redemption following any amendments, constitutes acceptance of the amended Terms. 7.2 The Bank reserves the right to suspend and / or terminate the Program at any time, at its sole discretion, without justification and without a deadline, informing its Members according to the Article 4 and guiding them to redeem their yellows. Also, the Bank has the right to suspend a Member from using the Program, for reasons relating to: (a) the safety of the product / service, (b) the suspicion of unauthorized or fraudulent use, etc. It is noted that in these cases, the accumulated yellows of the Member, are permanently deleted. 7.3 The Bank has the right to delete/deactivate Membership due to a Member's failure to comply with the present Terms and/or generally in the context of its overall banking relationship, according to the provisions of Article 3.2. above, in which case the available yellows are permanently deleted from the Yellow Account. 7.4 Members have the right to request their deletion from the Program and submit this request in writing to the Network, at any time. All available yellows will be automatically deleted from their Yellow Account, on the date of submission of the request, in which case the Bank is not liable.

Article 8 - Information/Consent to the Processing of Personal Data 8.1 Each Member accepts that personal data that have been or will be lawfully received by the Bank in and for the purpose of servicing its participation in the Program, will be processed by the Bank in accordance with the information mentioned in the leaflet "Data Privacy Notice" which the Member received, has been informed of its content and is an integral part of these Terms. 8.2. The Bank participates in the institution of Ombudsman for Banking and Investment Services. If the dispute between the Member and the Bank is not possible to be settled between them, the Member may address to the above institution (1 Massalias Street, 10680, Athens, www.hobis.gr, tel. : 210 3376700, Fax: 210 3238821, email: info@hobis.gr), being an institution of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), registered in the special registry kept at the General Division of Consumer Protection and Market Supervision, for an out-of-court settlement. Taking into account that the dispute concerns contractual obligations under electronic contract of service provision, the Member may submit the request for an out-of-court dispute settlement via the platform of Electronic Dispute Resolution (EDR) on website https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr.

Article 9 - Other Terms. 9.1 In case Members fail to comply with any of the Program's Terms, the Bank has the right to directly disqualify them from the program, to suspend and/or terminate their membership and cancel all yellows accumulated according to the Program. 9.2 The Terms of the Program are governed by Greek Law. The courts of Athens shall have sole jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute arising from their application. 9.3 All original copies of the present terms shall be in Greek. In case of any inconsistencies between the Greek originals and any English translations of the terms (made only for specific Members’ convenience), the Greek originals text shall prevail in all aspects.

Υellow Rewards Table
This updated Table forms an integral part of the Program's Terms, it is posted on the Bank's official website for the Program and represents the current Piraeus Bank policy on yellows rewards options for Members participating in the “Υellow” Program. The Bank reserves the right to amend the Terms of the Table at any time and the amendments will be announced to the Members through the Network, the Bank's official website yellow.piraeusbank.gr, and/or any appropriate means at its discretion (via fixed or mobile phone, SMS, e-mail, Piraeus e-banking etc.). The Table may be amended without the Members' prior notice and consent. Members should visit the Bank's official website for the Program regularly, in order to keep themselves informed of any amendments, as well as for the Program's latest version.

1. General Terms

Members of the "Υellow" Program are rewarded for the following transactions/services (Tables 2A & 2B), subject to the specifically defined exceptions:

1.1. Purchases and bill payments by Credit, Debit and Prepaid Cards as well as loading of Prepaid Cards issued by Piraeus Bank regardless of the channel (branch Network, Internet, etc.)

1.2. Activation and use of Piraeus e-banking”.

1.3. Payment of Energy, Telephony/Internet, Water and Private Insurance payments through Direct Debits linked to a deposit account.

1.4. With the full timely repayment, of the entire Mortgage and Consumer Loan installment.

1.5. Disbursement of an "Exoikonomo" loan.

1.6. Saving in “Υellowkid” Savings Account via monthly standing order from another deposit account of the Member, as specified below in Table B.

1.7. Finally, Members can convert the "Points" they have accumulated by using the "Check In Class" service to yellows, as provided in the Check In Class Terms of service and the Υellow Program Terms.
In addition to the above, Individuals with a defined professional activity in the Bank as Individual Enterprises or Professionals, who are Members of the "Υellow" Program, based on article 3.2, are also rewarded for the following transactions / services of 2B. Special Terms, if they have a Business Debit Card and / or Business Credit Card issued by the Bank, which participates in the Program:

1.8. Disbursement of a Piraeus business E-loan

1.9. Execution of Payroll Package

It is clarified that Partners are announced through the Bank’s official website for the Program, where Members may be informed.

2Α. Special Terms

Α. Cards

Way to Earn yellows Beneficiary yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
Purchase & Payment Transactions (lump-sum payments or installments) The Main Beneficiary/ Additional Member provided that he/she is enrolled in the Program 1. Purchase Transactions Partners – Premium Υellow Credit individual/business & Prepaid individual Cards:
10 yellows for every 1 euro charged on the transaction

Debit individual/business Cards:
5 yellows for every 1 euro charged on the transaction
25.000 yellows on a monthly basis per Card category (Debit, Credit, Prepaid)

 Partners – Υellow
Credit individual/business & Prepaid individual Cards: 5 yellows for every 1 euro charged on the transaction

Debit individual/business Cards: 2 yellows for every 1 euro charged on the transaction
Other Retailers
(Greece or abroad)
Credit individual/business Cards: 1 yellow for every 1 euro charged on the transaction
2. Payment transactions Public Sector Payments Credit individual/business Cards:
1 yellow for every 10 euros charged on the transaction
Other payments Credit individual/business Cards: 1 yellow for every 1 euro charged on the transaction
Prepaid Cards loading transactions The Cardholder provided that he/she is enrolled in the Program Card Loading Through the available Card loading channels, such as: Piraeus e-banking, Easy Pay Kiosks (APS), ATM, cashier
10 yellows for every Card loading transaction, regardless of the loading amount 5.000 yellows per month for all Prepaid Cards held by the Bank’s Customer

General Remarks – Cards

Α. yellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Υellow Account

The registration of yellows in the Member's account will take place up to fifteen (15) days after the transaction has been cleared, for the entire amount, while in case of a card loading, it will take place up to fifteen (15) days after the clearing of the loading transaction. In particular, for a transaction in installments using a Credit Card, the following applies:

1st case: if it takes place in a Program Partner, in a physical store - POS, then the yellows that are registered refer to the total amount of the transaction.

2nd case: if it takes place in a Program Partner, in an online store – e-POS, then the yellows that are registered refer only to the amount of each installment charged, however in some cases, may refer to the total amount of the transaction.

3rd case: if the transaction takes place in Other Retailers, then the yellows registered, refer only to the amount of the installment charged.

B. Other remarks

For card transactions, yellows are rewarded for each euro and in case of decimals, the amount is rounded down to the nearest integer. It is noted that if the transaction amount is less than 1 (one) euro, the Member does not collect yellows. The Cards participating in the Program, can be found on the official website of the Bank yellow.piraeusbank.gr.

Piraeus Bank Card (Credit, Debit, Prepaid) transactions, may include all purchases / payments made through stores, telephone, internet, Υellow app and standing orders, while transactions made through third parties, such as PayPal, as well as gambling and / or betting transactions are excluded. The 1st loading that is made during the issuance of the Piraeus Prepaid Reloadable, cash withdrawals, balance transfers from other cards, money transfers (incoming and outgoing funds), credit card bill payments (minimum or total) due to debt, annual subscription fees, over-limit charges, any kind of interest / expenses that may be charged to the Card, any kind of credits as well as transactions that were disputed by the Cardholder, do not participate. The Bank reserves the right to change, add or remove transactions with Cards in accordance with its commercial policy. In case a Member performs a contactless transaction, charging a Card, without using its plastic component, in the context of app wallet services, then the Member collects yellows according to the above mentioned methods.

B. Deposits

Way to Earn yellows Beneficiary yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
a. Direct Debit payments With every successfully executed Direct Debit on a deposit account concerning Energy, Telephony/Internet, Water and Private Insurance Payments. The ordering Customers, provided they are enrolled in the Program. 25 yellows per Direct Debit 250 yellows on a monthly basis
b. "Υellowkid" Savings Account Annually, with 12 successful monthly transfers of the savings amount via standing order from another deposit account of the Member, to the "Yellowkid" Savings Account The primary beneficiary of the "Yellowkid" Savings Account, provided the beneficiary is enrolled in the Program yellows equal to double of the amount saved annually in "Yellowkid" Savings Account, with 12 successful monthly transfers from another deposit account of the Member (with a minimum of 500 yellows), as specified each time in the Terms and Conditions of the "Yellowkid" Savings Account. 12.000 yellows annually

General Remarks - Deposits

yellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Υellow Account

a. Direct Debit payments: Υellows will be available after the successful execution of a Direct Debit. Direct Debit Payments eligible for the Program appear in detail in the Bank's Billing Statement under "Direct Debits" (available only in Greek). Direct Debits/Standing Orders concerning NN Bancassurance products, in cooperation with the Bank, are not eligible for the Program. b. "Υellowkid" Savings Account: yellows are calculated annually on the anniversary opening date of the "Yellowkid" Savings Account, with the condition of 12 successful monthly transfers of the savings amount via standing order from another deposit account of the Member, during this year. Υellows are available and can be redeemed on the next business day of the anniversary opening date of the "Yellowkid" Savings Account.

C. E-Banking

Way to Earn yellows Beneficiary yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
a. 1st login in Piraeus e-banking service or Piraeus app By logging in for the 1st time in Piraeus e-banking service or Piraeus app Customer with access to Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app. In order to earn the yellows, he/she must proceed in the following order:

1. Enrollment in the Program

2. Enrollment to Piraeus e-banking 

3. Log in to Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app
150 yellows once
b. Bill Payments via Piraeus e-banking  With every successful payment via Piraeus e-banking by charging a deposit account or a credit card Customers with access to Piraeus e-banking, provided they are enrolled in the Program 25 yellows per payment 250 yellows on a monthly basis
c. Bill payments via Piraeus app With every successful payment via Piraeus app by charging a deposit account or a credit card Customers with access to Piraeus app, provided they are enrolled in the Program 25 yellows per payment
250 yellows on a monthly basis

General Remarks – Piraeus e-Banking

yellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Υellow Account

a. 1st login in Piraeus e-banking service or Piraeus app: yellows will be credited to the Yellow Account upon completion of the login to Piraeus e-banking
, only once, regardless of whether it was a Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app login. The reward also includes quick login in Piraeus app. b & c. Bill Payments via Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app: yellows will be credited to the Yellow Account upon completion of login to Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app. In case a Member performs a payment by Credit Card, which participates in the Program, he/she also earns yellows for using the Card. The maximum number of yellows, which is 250 yellows, refers only to the “Bill Payments via Piraeus e-banking or Piraeus app” rewards option, while for the usage of a Credit Card the above provisions under 2A.A apply.

D. Individual Loans

Way to Earn yellows Beneficiary yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
a.Consumer & Mortgage Loans With the full timely repayment of the installment of the loan or the amount of the minimum payment of the Open Loan Principal Borrower of the loan 1 yellow for every 1 euro of installment/minimum payment amount 2000 yellows per installment/minimum payment amount
 b.Exoikonomo loan 2023  With the total disbursement of the loan Principal Borrower of the loan 10.000 yellows once  

General Remarks – Individual Loans

Performing Consumer and Mortgage Loans for Individuals participate in the Program. Particularly:

1. yellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Yellow Account: a) Prerequisites for the collection of yellows: 1) Payment of the entire installment of the Loan, on the date agreed with the Bank and 2) The absence of overdue debts regarding the Loan (eg insurance fees, expenses). b) yellows will be registered to the yellow Account i) within 5 working days, after the full repayment of the entire installment of the Consumer or/and Mortgage Loan, ii) within 35 working days after the total disbursement of the Exoikonomo 2023 loan.

2. Other Remarks: a. yellows are rewarded for each euro and in case of decimals, the amount is rounded down to the nearest integer. b. The calculation of yellows does not take into account payments relating to insurance fees and expenses. c. For Loans granted in a currency other than the euro, for the collection of yellows, the equivalent in euro will be taken into account, as calculated for the payment of the installment of the Loan. d. Program exceptions: i) Loans of which the Principal Borrowers are employed in a paid or dependent employment relationship with the Bank and its associated companies, of the Bank Group, ii) Loans granted for the purchase of a vessel, iii) Loans granted for the purchase of shares, iv) Overdraft limits, v) Mortgages and Consumer Loans, where the Terms relating to repayment of the loan, due to debt settlement / restructuring, have been modified or a new contract has been concluded due to settlement / restructuring of debts, subject to the provisions of paragraph D2e. e. Particularly, in the Program, participate Mortgage and Consumer Loans referred to in paragraph D2d case v above, whose all debts are paid in due time and duly for a period from the signature date of the amending act or contract, as detailed below:

a) two (2) years if the relevant amending act or contract was concluded before ninety (90) days from the due date of payment of any debt. b) three (3) years if the relevant amending act or contract was concluded after ninety (90) days from the due date of payment of any debt. f. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, modify the criteria for participation of Loans in the Program.

E. Other Ways to Earn - Individuals

Way to Earn yellows Beneficiary yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
Ability to convert “Points” collected, by using the Check In Class service, to yellows By the acceptance from the Bank, of the request of the Member of yellow Program/User of Check In Class service, to convert the “Points” to yellows User of Check In Class service and at the same time Member of yellow Program 1 yellow for every 1 Point 10.000 yellows on a monthly basis

General Remarks – Other Ways to Earn

yellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Υellow Account

“Points” - Check In Class service: yellows will be credited to the yellow Account after the successful conversion. 

2B. Additional Special Terms

Individual Enterprises & Professionals /Business Debit or/and Business Credit Card owners

A. Piraeus business E-loans

Way to Earn yellows earned
Piraeus business E-loans
  • With the disbursement of a Piraeus Business e-Working Capital
  • With the limit opening of a Piraeus Open Business e-Working Capital
Once 50.000 yellows per Loan/Limit amount

General Remarks – Piraeus business E-loans

yellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Υellow Account

1. In case of gradual disbursements of a term loan, the Member will earn the yellows along with the first gradual disbursement.
2. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, modify the criteria for participation of Loans in the Program.
3. yellows will be registered in Yellow Account, after the first fifteen days of the next calendar month of the disbursement of the Loan or opening of the Limit.

B. Other Ways to Earn – Individual Enterprises & Professionals

Way to Earn yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
a. Welcome yellows With the Customer's (Individual Enterprise or Professional) enrollment in the Program 500 yellows once
b. Bank Facilitation Agreement for company payroll Execution of at least one payroll contract on a monthly basis 100 yellows on a monthly basis, regardless of the number of payroll contracts executed 1.200 annually

General Remarks – Other Ways to Earn – Individual Enterprises & Professionals

Υellows Collection/Display/Availability criteria on Yellow Account

a. Welcome yellows: yellows will be credited to the Υellow Account after the Customer's (Individual Enterprise or Professional) enrollment in the Program has been completed.

c. Payroll Package: Criteria for the collection of yellows:
1. Concluding a Bank Facilitation Agreement for company payroll with Piraeus Bank.
2. Execution of payroll according to the specifications of the Bank (electronic xml files) and not through transfers between the accounts.
3. If a Company has more than one active payroll contracts, its Yellow Account will be credited with 100 yellows once, within the month.
4. yellows will be registered in the Member's Account by the end of the first ten (10) working days of the next calendar month of the payroll credit in the Bank.
5. In case that no payroll is executed in a month, the Member will not receive yellows (regardless whether this payroll is reimbursed in the next month).
6. A payroll credit period, is defined as the period from the first to the last day of each calendar month, whereas a year, is defined as a calendar year.

C. Special Privileges - Individual Enterprises & Professionals

The Bank may announce the activation of special privileges either to all Members or to selected customers, based on its commercial policy and at its discretion. The Bank reserves the right to accept, reject or suspend the special privileges, at its discretion, without prior notice and consent of the Members.

(for Legal Entities)

Article 1 – Overview. The “Υellow” Rewards Program's purpose is to reward Legal Entities who are the Bank's Customers, for their entire banking relationship with its products/services, as specified in each case by the Bank under various criteria, at the Bank's sole discretion (i.e. transactions, participation in activities, competitions etc.).

Article 2 – Definitions of «Υellow» Rewards Program. Application: The application for participating in "Υellow" Rewards Program, is submitted by a legally authorized representative of the legal entity and includes the full contact details of the legal entity. Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions of «Υellow» Rewards Program, as applicable. Member: Legal entity/ties who are the Bank's Customer/s and have enrolled in the Program. Program: The “Yellow” Rewards Program of the Bank, which rewards Members as referred to under Article 1. yellows: points collected by the Members as a reward. Yellow Account: The account where yellows are accumulated, which is unique for every Member. Υellow Administrator: One or more legally authorized representatives of the legal entity (hereinafter "the Representatives") whose contact details are listed in the Application. The Yellow Administrator, will submit and sign the Application, will receive the Terms of the Program, will be able to proceed with redemption of yellows on behalf of the Member, will either specify that all business cards owned by the Member can redeem yellows, or will specify the business card numbers owned by the Member which can redeem yellows. In general, the Administrator will manage all the issues of the Member regarding the Program, will be able to apply for deletion of the Member from the Program and to change the cards through which yellows are redeemed. The Member expressly acknowledges all transactions made by its Υellow Administrator, in its name and on its behalf, subject to the conditions and limitations set by its competent governing body, as fully valid, strong and binding. Yellow Code: the unique code which is issued when enrolling in the Program and is used for Member identification. The Yellow Code is sent to the Member’s email, which has been specified as the contact email with the Bank, or any other appropriate means. The Code can be used in the future and in other cases, in addition to identification, based on the options that the Program will offer, always in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the Bank. Partners: The cooperating companies, which participate in the Program, are posted on its official website. Yellow Offers: The offers and privileges that Members benefit from, by participating in the Program, such as discounts in Partners.

Article 3 – Enrollment and Member Identification. 3.1 By enrolling in the Program, the Member is informed of these Terms, agrees and unreservedly accepts, through the Υellow Administrator, that these Terms govern exclusively the rights and any obligations arising from participation in the Program. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 3.2, Member enrollment in the Program is done by the Υellow Administrator, after submitting an Application through the Bank's branch Network. The Bank, throughout the entire duration of the Program, may provide other enrollment options, which will be announced, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6. 3.2. Participation Requirements: Profit and non-profit Legal Entities, with a turnover of up to 2.5 million euros in the last financial year before the date of submission of the Application, may participate in the Program. All legal entities that fall under the Public Sector or are under its supervision, financial institutions, stock / derivative stock exchanges, offshore companies, foreign companies, companies connected to the Bank (according to Article 32 and Annex A of Law 4308/2014) and the Political Parties, are excluded. In addition, from the Legal Entities of Private Law, are excluded the Mutual Aid Funds, the Professional Insurance Funds, the Public Benefit Institutions as well as the Legal Entities of Private Law that belong to the Public Sector. A prerequisite for the participation of legal entities in the Program is the possession and retention of at least a Business Debit Card, issued by the Bank. Also, Legal Entities who wish to participate in the Program, should not have delays in loan obligations to the Bank of more than sixty (60) calendar days, and/or any other debt towards the Bank as well as not be in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation, in special administration and also no other conditions apply that may be described in the Yellow Rewards Table, which is an integral part of these Terms, as explicitly stated in Article 4.3. 3.3 The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject the application of the Legal Entity to participate in the Program, at its discretion, without notifying the Legal Entity for the reasons of rejection. It also reserves the right to add additional enrollment criteria or modify the existing ones. 3.4 Member Contact Information: Upon enrollment, the Member for the purposes of the Program (indicatively for enrollment, rewards statement, acquisition of Yellow code, redemption of yellows, etc.) provides and / or updates the Bank with the email address, declared to the Bank as the contact email and any other contact information requested by the Bank such as head office address etc. 3.5 In addition, the Member, during participation in the Program, is obliged to notify in writing to the Branch Network or as otherwise specified by the Bank, any change in contact details (eg e-mail address etc.). Until such change is notified to the Bank, any notification of a document (printed and / or electronic) to the old email address is considered valid, without the Bank being responsible for loss of mail or lack of communication with the Member. 3.6 The Member expressly states that it has been established and operates legally, that it has full authority to conclude and fulfill the terms of the Program, that it has received all the necessary corporate approvals for inclusion in the Program, acceptance of the Terms and undertaking of obligations in the context of the Program, as well as that the documents submitted to the Bank accurately express its legalization status and that by the date of participation in the Program, no change has taken place that affects its legal status or change in the persons authorized to represent and bind it, by signing in its name and on its behalf. Furthermore, even in the above case of total or partial lack of representation, or representation of the Member by the yellow Administrator, who submits the application for participation in the Program, any act of the Member constituting a coaction in the execution or operation of the Program (indicatively the redemption of yellows etc.) is presumed to constitute a tacit declaration of the Member’s approval, in its representation by those signed, on its behalf, the relevant application upon joining the Program and by those acting on its behalf to carry out the transaction in the context of the Program. The Member is obliged to immediately and in writing inform the Bank of any change in its corporate identity, organization and legalization and in that case, to submit to the Bank a new decision of its corporate body.

Article 4 - Collection of yellows. 4.1 Duration-Expiration: The yellows that have been registered until 31/5/2022, are valid for two (2) years from the date of their registration in the Yellow Account of the Member. The yellows that are registered after 01/06/2022 have a validity period of one (1) year from the date of their registration in the Yellow Account of the Member. Yellows that have not been used within the above period, are automatically deleted from the Yellow Account, without the Member's notification being an obligation of the Bank. 4.2 Transfer / Assignment etc: yellows cannot be transferred or assigned to any third party, Member of the Program or not, cannot be used, granted, sold, exchanged, inherited or transferred to third parties, unless the Bank decides to do so by modifying the reward options generally or individually. 4.3 Yellow Rewards Table: Program Members collect yellows based on the respective Υellow Rewards Table (hereinafter referred to as the "Table"), which is an integral part of the Program Terms. The Table is posted on the official website of the Bank for the Program and is the current policy of rewards with yellows of Piraeus Bank. However, in case of the delay referred to in Article 3.2, as well as in case the Member’s legalization has expired or other reasons constituting a breach of the Terms of the Program occur, then the collection of yellows automatically ceases, even if the Member uses banking products and / or services that reward yellows according to the Table. 4.4 The Table, indicatively, will display: a. the ways in which the Member is rewarded, for example by the frequency of use of the Bank's products, services and / or service channels, by its relation with the Bank, by the products / services and / or transactions involved, by activities etc. b. the yellows calculation method, the way of rounding and if applicable, the maximum number of yellows that can be collected on a monthly and / or annual basis per reward method or in total in the Yellow Account, c. the criteria for collecting / displaying / making available yellows in the Yellow Account, d. the ratio of yellows specifically for the use of cards and e. the period required for registering in the Yellow Account, so that the way of collecting yellows is completely transparent. 4.5 In the event that yellows have been inadvertently calculated for the benefit or at the expense of the Member, the Bank will unilaterally correct the Υellow Account by informing the Member by any appropriate means. The Bank reserves the right to propose to the Member alternatives to any incorrect calculation of yellows, in order for the Yellow Account to return to its previous, before the error, state. The Member declares that it will cooperate with the Bank, in order to restore incorrect yellows records, either for or against it. 4.6 In the event that a Member legally exercises the right to withdraw or cancel, revoke or not complete a transaction for which it has been rewarded according to the Program, the Bank shall have the right to unilaterally, at its discretion, delete yellows corresponding to the above transaction, without further notice to the Member.

Article 5 - Redemption. 5.1. Means to redeem yellows: yellows collected by the Member, can be redeemed, as provided in the Application and through the Bank's products listed on it, for the acquisition of goods and / or services of the Partners, as provided below. The Member explicitly recognizes all transactions for the redemption of yellows that will be made in its name and on its behalf, subject to the conditions set by the competent governing body, as absolutely valid, strong and binding on it. In particular, the yellows collected by Members may be redeemed, as mentioned below under 5.2, either in whole or in part for the acquisition of goods and / or services of the Partners, which have electronic devices for receiving card transactions (hereinafter "POS") and / or accept electronic payments remotely or not, via cards (hereinafter "e-POS"). 5.2 Acquisition of goods and / or services with redemption of yellows: yellows are redeemed by the Member for the acquisition of goods and / or services, of the Cooperating Companies with the Bank, in successful transactions at their POS or e-POS, using cards participating in the Program, based on the Table terms, provided that the Member meets the criteria of Article 3.2. The redemption of yellows will take place with an agreed exchange rate between the Bank and the Partner. The total number of yellows before and after the redemption and the amount corresponding to the specific number of yellows to be redeemed, will be displayed through a special application of POS / e-POS, information which must be disclosed, as applicable, by the Cooperating Company. In the case of redemption against part of the value of the goods and / or services, the redemption will concern a specific amount of the total value of those goods and / or services, to which a certain number of yellows will correspond. The Bank has the right to suspend to the Cooperating Company the ability of yellows redemption, which have already been collected by the Members of the Program. 5.3 The Bank has the right to choose other ways to redeem yellows in the future, in which case it will notify its Members. 5.4 The Bank may, at any time, set a minimum and / or maximum number of yellows for the partial and / or total redemption per transaction, which number will change in total or will be differentiated by the Bank per redemption channel. In addition, the Bank and the Cooperating Company may agree to apply a minimum and / or maximum number of yellows per transaction, only at the Cooperating Company’s Physical / Electronic Stores. The minimum and maximum number of yellows will be announced on the official website of the Bank's Program. 5.5 Also, the Bank may at any time set a maximum number of redemption yellows on an annual basis, for each Member, a change which the Bank will announce according to the Article 6. 5.6 In case of partial redemption of yellows, they are deducted from the Yellow Account of the Member, based on the date of registration from the oldest to the most recent. 5.7 The conditions under which the yellow Offers will be granted, as well as the ability of yellows redemption directly at POS / e-POS of cooperating with the Bank companies, belong to the discretion and exclusive decision of the Bank. If, during redemption of yellows, there is a delay in payment of the Member's loan obligations or the Member is in a state of bankruptcy, liquidation, special administration, as well as in case the Member’s legalization in the Bank has expired, then the possibility of yellows redemption ceases, without this meaning that yellows will have a new expiration date, because the old one will be valid according to the date of their registration in the Yellow Account. It should be noted that the Bank is not obliged to inform the Member about the cessation of this possibility, nor about its activation after the settlement of its debts. 5.8 The Bank is not responsible for the sales agreements, especially for the price, delivery, quality, etc. of the goods and / or services that Members receive by the Cooperating Companies with the Program. Also, the Bank is not responsible for any damage or loss that any Member may suffer, resulting from the Partners' failure to fulfill and/or not properly fulfill their redemption obligations. 5.9 Without prejudice to the specific conditions mentioned under these Terms and the Table, which forms an integral part of the Program Terms, yellows are collected, retained and redeemed solely and exclusively according to the Program Terms, as applicable. 5.10 The Bank may announce special offers for redemption and / or collection of yellows or other offers and privileges in the context of promotions either to all Members, or to selected customers, or with selected ways of rewarding or individual transactions based on its commercial policy. The Member is informed in the way referred to in Article 6. 5.11 The Bank shall not be held liable to its Members if any Partner discontinues cooperation and is accused of misleading them. 5.12. These Terms expressly state that the Member assigns to the Bank the issuance of the required invoices, in its name and on its behalf (self-billing, in accordance with the provisions of article 8 par. 5 of Law 4308/2014). In the context of self-billing, the Bank will issue an invoice per calendar quarter or other frequency, in accordance with the agreement of the parties, concerning the total amount that the Member has benefited during this period, from the redemption of yellows for each use, which will be analyzed to net value plus the corresponding VAT. It is noted that the relevant invoice will be issued when the amount benefited by the Member exceeds the amount of 0.05 euros. This invoice will be available from the Bank's Branch Network as well as from any channel the Bank selects in the context of the Program. It should be noted that the Bank is committed only to the issuance of the document, while the Member, when it receives the relevant invoice from the Bank's Branch Network, it will have to make the required accounting entries and pay the corresponding VAT. For its part, the Bank is obliged to provide in time, all the necessary information for the documentation and registration of the relevant transactions by the Member, for the fulfillment, under the latter, of any legal and tax obligations. The relevant information will be provided by the Yellow Account. The above self-billing agreement does not release the Member from its legal obligation to ensure that an invoice will be issued, as long as the Member does not use the document issued under the self-billing, as well as any other relevant liability.

Article 6 - Members Program Statement and Yellow Account Statement. 6.1 Program Statement: The Member is informed about the terms and amendments of the Program through the Network, the official website of the Bank yellow.piraeusbank.gr, and / or in any other appropriate means at the Bank's discretion e.g. e-mails. The Member has to ensure, that the Yellow Administrator and any third party entitled to redemption on its behalf, according to the above, are informed. 6.2 Yellow Account Statement: The Yellow Administrator, may be informed of the transactions of the Yellow Account e.g. available balance, collection, redemption, expiration of yellows with the date and the way of collection / redemption / expiration etc. for a period of time determined by the Bank and through a means designated by the Bank each time, currently through the Branch Network and any other way defined in the future. The Bank reserves the right to inform Members through fixed and / or mobile phone, e-mails, newsletters etc. based on the information that the Member communicated to the Bank.

Article 7 - Amendment, Termination and Suspension of the Program by the Bank, Membership Deletion, Membership Cancelation. 7.1 The Bank reserves the right to modify the Terms of the Program at any time, including the Terms of the Table and the modifications will be announced to Members by the means mentioned in Article 6. Any modification of the Terms of the Program does not presuppose prior notice and consent of the Member. Members should visit regularly the Bank’s official website for the Program to be informed of any changes, as well as the latest version of the Program. Using of rewards or activities and/or yellows redemption following any amendments, constitutes acceptance of the amended Terms. 7.2 The Bank reserves the right to suspend and / or terminate the Program at any time, at its sole discretion, without justification and without a deadline, informing its Members according to the Article 6 and guiding them to redeem their yellows. Also, the Bank has the right to suspend a Member from using the Program, for reasons relating to: (a) the safety of the product / service, (b) the suspicion of unauthorized or fraudulent use, etc. It is noted that in these cases, the accumulated yellows of the Member, are permanently deleted. 7.3 The Bank has the right to delete/deactivate Membership due to a Member's failure to comply with the present Terms and/or generally in the context of its overall banking relationship, as well as in case of bankruptcy, state of liquidation or special administration, suspension of business activities and in the event that the legalization of the Member has expired, the available yellows are permanently deleted from the Yellow Account. It is expressly agreed herein that the Bank has the right to suspend Members' participation in the Program and in particular the collection of yellows, until their annual turnover returns to the limits set out in paragraph 3.2. 7.4 Members have the right, at any time, to request their deletion from the Program and submit this request in writing to the Network through their yellow Administrator. All available yellows will be automatically deleted from their Yellow Account, on the date of submission of the request, in which case the Bank is not liable.

Article 8 - Information/Consent to the Processing of Personal Data. The Yellow Administrator accepts that personal data that have been or will be lawfully received by the Bank in the context and for the purpose of servicing the Member’s participation in the Program, will be processed by the Bank in accordance with the information mentioned in the leaflet "Data Privacy Notice" which the Member received, has been informed of its content and is an integral part of these Terms.

Article 9 - Other Terms. 9.1 In case the Member or the Yellow Administrator fail to comply with any of the Program's Terms, the Bank has the right to directly disqualify them from the Program, to suspend and/or terminate their membership and cancel all yellows accumulated according to the Program. 9.2 The Terms of the Program are governed by Greek Law. The courts of Athens shall have sole jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute arising from their application. 9.3 All original copies of the present terms shall be in Greek. In case of any inconsistencies between the Greek originals and any English translations of the terms (made only for specific Members’ convenience), the Greek originals text shall prevail in all aspects.

Yellow Rewards Table
This updated Table forms an integral part of the Program's Terms, it is posted on the Bank's official website for the Program and represents the current Piraeus Bank policy on yellows rewards options for Members participating in the "Yellow" Program. The Bank reserves the right to amend the Terms of the Table at any time and the amendments will be announced to the Members through the Network, the Bank's official website yellow.piraeusbank.gr and/or any appropriate means at its discretion (via fixed or mobile phone, SMS, e-mails etc.). The Table may be amended without the Members' prior notice and consent. Members should visit the Bank's official website for the Program regularly, in order to keep themselves informed of any amendments, as well as for the Program's latest version.

1. General Terms

Members of the "Yellow" Program are rewarded for the following transactions/services, subject to the specifically defined exceptions:
1.1. Purchases and bill payments by using Business Debit Cards
1.2. Activation and use of Piraeus business e-banking
1.3. Disbursement of a Piraeus business E-loan
1.4. Execution of Payroll Package

2. Special Terms

a. Cards

Way to earn yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
Purchase Transactions with Business Debit Cards

Purchase transactions  Partners

- Premium Yellow Partners

5 yellows for every 1 euro charged on the transaction

- Yellow Partners

2 yellow for every 2 euros charged on the transaction

25.000 yellows on a monthly basis

General Remarks – Cards

The Cards participating in the Program, can be found on the official website of the Bank yellow.piraeusbank.gr. Piraeus Bank Business Debit Card transactions, may include all purchases made through stores, telephone and internet, while transactions made through third parties, such as PayPal, as well as gambling and / or betting transactions are excluded. Cash withdrawals, money transfers (incoming and outgoing funds), any kind of interest / expenses that may be charged to the Card, any kind of credits as well as transactions that were disputed by the Cardholder, do not participate. The Bank reserves the right to change, add or remove transactions with Cards in accordance with its commercial policy. The registration of yellows in the Member's account will take place up to fifteen (15) days after the transaction has been cleared, for the entire amount.

For Card transactions, yellows are rewarded for each euro and in case of decimals, the amount is rounded down to the nearest integer. It is noted that if the transaction amount is less than 1 (one) euro, the Member does not collect yellows. In case a Member performs a contactless transaction, charging a Card, without using its plastic component, in the context of app wallet services, then the Member collects yellows according to the above mentioned methods.

b. Piraeus business E-loans

Way to earn yellows earned
Piraeus business E-loans
  • With the disbursement of a Piraeus Business e-Working Capital
  • With the limit opening of a Piraeus Open Business e-Working Capital
Once 50.000 yellows per Loan/Limit amount

General Remarks – Piraeus business E-loans

1. In case of gradual disbursements of a term loan, the Member will earn the yellows along with the first gradual disbursement.
2. yellows will be registered in Yellow Account, after the first fifteen days of the next calendar month of the disbursement of the Loan or opening of the Limit.
3. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, modify the criteria for participation of Loans in the Program.

c. Piraeus e-banking

Way to earn yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
a. 1st login in Piraeus business e-banking & Piraeus business app

By logging in for the 1st time in Piraeus business e-banking service

In order to earn the yellows, the Legal Entity must proceed in the following order:

  1. Enrollment in the Program
  2. Enrollment to Piraeus business e-banking
  3. Log in to Piraeus business e-banking or Piraeus business app
500 yellows once
 b. Bill Payments via Piraeus business e-banking
With every successful payment via Piraeus business e-banking by charging a business account.

 25 yellows per payment  250 yellows on a monthly basis
c. Bill Payments via Piraeus business app  With every successful payment via Piraeus business e-banking by charging a business account  25 yellows per payment  250 yellows on a monthly basis 

General Remarks – Piraeus e-banking

a. 1st login in Piraeus business e-banking or Piraeus business app:
yellows will be credited to the Yellow Account upon completion of the login to Piraeus business e-banking or Piraeus business app, only once, regardless of whether it was a web banking or business app login. The reward also includes quick login in Piraeus business app.
b & c. Bill Payments via Piraeus business e-banking or Piraeus business app
yellows will be credited to the Yellow Account upon completion of login to Piraeus business e-banking or Piraeus business app

d. Other Ways to Earn

Way to earn yellows Calculation Method Maximum number of yellows
a. Welcome yellows

With the Customer's enrollment in the Program

500 yellows once
 b. Bank Facilitation Agreement for company payroll

Execution of at least one payroll contract on a monthly basis
100 yellows on a monthly basis, regardless of the number of payroll contracts executed 1200 annually

General Remarks – Other Ways to Earn

a. Welcome yellows
yellows will be credited to the Yellow Account after the Member's enrollement in the Program has been completed.

b. Payroll Package
Criteria for the collection of yellows:
1. Concluding a Bank Facilitation Agreement for company payroll with Piraeus Bank.
2. Execution of payroll according to the specifications of the Bank (electronic xml files)
3. If a Company has more than one active payroll contracts, its Yellow Account will be credited with 100 yellows once, within the month.
4. yellows will be registered in the Member's Account by the end of the first ten (10) working days of the next calendar month of the payroll credit in the Bank.
5. In case that no payroll is executed in a month, the Member will not receive yellows (regardless whether this payroll is reimbursed in the next month).
6. A payroll credit period, is defined as the period from the first to the last day of each calendar month, whereas a year, is defined as a calendar year.

e. Special Privileges

The Bank may announce the activation of special privileges either to all Members or to selected customers, based on its commercial policy and at its discretion. The Bank reserves the right to accept, reject or suspend the special privileges, at its discretion, without prior notice and consent of the Members.