Συνεργασία με τα Καταστήματα Hondos Center – Εικόνα yellow

Collaboration with Hondos Center stores

Your favorite one‐stop beauty and fashion destination!
Take a marvelous journey into the world of beauty, fashion, and style at Hondos Center Department Stores. Α one stop-shopping destination for the most prestigious brands on the market, this unique contemporary retail network – with physical stores all over Greece and one online store at hondoscenter.com – offers an enormous variety of premium-branded cosmetics and contemporary designer fashion brands of exceptional quality, all at great prices.

Earn yellows

For Legal Entities, Individual Enterprises & Professionals
Earn yellows with your purchases and transactions at the participating network of of Hondos Center stores and www.hondoscenter.gr, with Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program.
For every €1 charged on transaction
with Credit Card*
x10 yellows
with Business Debit Card
x5 yellows

*Refers to the Business Credit Card of Professionals & Individual Enterprises.

Redeem yellows

Through Hondos Center stores' POS and at www.hondoscenter.gr

By making purchases, using Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program, you redeem fully or partially the yellows you have earned.

Through Yellow only vouchers

Get Yellow only Hondos Center vouchers, for your purchases, simply by redeeming yellows!

10.000 yellows

You can get the Yellow only vouchers at Piraeus Bank branches and Yellow app.

Important Information:

yellow calculator

Calculate now how much you can save by redeeming yellows!

Participating network:

Check the participating network of Hondos Center stores here