Collaboration with Nova stores
Nova was the first company to provide Internet, mobile telephony and pay TV to the Greek market. It offers a wide range of pay TV, broadband internet, mobile and fixed telephony services to approximately 5 million customers. Nova is strengthened by United Group's international experience, know-how and investment plan of €2 billion for Greece until 2027.
Earn yellows
For Legal Entities, Individual Enterprises & Professionals
Earn yellows with your purchases and transactions at the participating network of Nova stores, with Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program.
For every €1 charged on transaction
with Credit Card*
with Business Debit Card
Bill payment, online transaction and airtime renewal, is rewarded with 1 yellow for every €1 transaction, only by using a credit card participating in the Rewards Program. Similar transactions with debit cards are not rewarded.
*Refers to the Business Credit Card of Professionals & Individual Enterprises.
Redeem yellows
Through the participating network of Nova stores' POS
By making purchases, using Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program, you redeem fully or partially the yellows you have earned.
Bill payments, online transactions and talk time renewals (airtime) are excluded.
Important Information:
- Check the cards participating in the Program.
yellow calculator
Calculate now how much you can save by redeeming yellows!
Participating network:
Check the participating network of Nova stores here