Collaboration with HENRY DUNANT

HENRY DUNANT Hospital Center is amongst the largest and most modern hospitals in Greece, as well as in South Eastern Europe.

It provides a complete range of inpatient and outpatient medical services and is equipped with state-of-the art medical equipment. Always true to its values, it is committed to operate in an environment of continuous quality improvement, developing and maintaining the highest standards of health care services for each and every one of our patients.

Earn yellows

For Legal Entities, Individual Enterprises & Professionals
Earn yellows with your purchases and transactions at HENRY DUNANT Hospital Center, with Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program.
For every €1 charged on transaction
with Credit Card*
x10 yellows
with Business Debit Card
x5 yellows

* Refers to the Business Credit Card of Professionals & Individual Enterprises.

Redeem yellows

Through HENRY DUNANT Hospital Center’s POS

By making purchases, using Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program, you redeem fully or partially the yellows you have earned.

Through Yellow only vouchers

Get Yellow only HENRY DUNANT vouchers, for your purchases, simply by redeeming yellows!

Basic Men's Check Up
45.000 yellows
Basic Wonen's Check Up
67.500 yellows

You can get the Yellow only vouchers at Piraeus Bank branches and Yellow app.

Important information:

yellow calculator

Calculate now how much you can save by redeeming yellows!

Participating network:

Check HENRY DUNANT Hospital Center here