Collaboration with - online pharmacy is today one of the leading e-pharmacy in the Greek market. Τhe partnership of 2 pharmacists, Konstantinos Nikolaros and Dimitris Anagnostopoulos, and an IT person, Konstantinos Vavliakis, gave the "green" light to operate and 10 years later to be established in the e-pharmacies sector. is characterized by plenty of products, competitive prices and the immediate but also high quality customer service inside and outside off the site.'s motto is #loveyourself, a concept that represents the company's ideology and promotes the feeling of love and care for ourselves.

Earn yellows

For Legal Entities, Individual Enterprises & Professionals
Earn yellows with your purchases and transactions at, with Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program.
For every €1 charged on transaction
with Credit Card*
x5 yellows
with Business Debit Card
x2 yellows

* Refers to the Business Credit Card of Professionals & Individual Enterprises.

Redeem yellows

Online redemption through

By making purchases, using Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Program, you redeem fully or partially the yellows you have earned.

Important Information:
  • Check the cards participating in the Program.

yellow calculator

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