Earn yellows in the Winter Sales!

Winter Sale! Find everything you need at the Program’s Partners, make your purchases and earn like never before!

Do you think that both your wardrobe and your children’s need a renewal? Does your home need minor or major decoration changes?

The winter sale here and it’s a great opportunity to make all the renewal purchases you need at the Program’s Partners and earn or redeem yellows!



Now it’s the time! Discover the unique sale of the yellow Partners and choose them for your winter shopping!

In every transaction, use Piraeus Bank cards participating in the Rewards Program and earn up to x10 yellows and/or redeem the yellows you have collected, to further reduce the final value of your purchase.

yellow app!

The world of yellow is now in one app!

Scan the QR to download the yellow app! (available only in Greek) 

Happy winter shopping with yellow!