This promo has expired!Learn more about yellow's collaboration with WIND!
Earn 15% in yellows at WIND Winter Sales, with the yellow app!
Winter Sales at WIND with many yellows! Find unique Smartphones, Tablets & Accessories offers and earn 15% of your transactions value in yellows!
Take advantage of the offer by following these simple steps:
Step 1: If you are not a yellow app user yet, download it now on your iOS or Android device and make your 1st login, using your personal winbank credentials, before making your transaction.
Step 2: Locate on the map the WIND stores that participate in the promo, visit from 10/01/2022 till 28/02/2022 the one that is convenient to you and find a large variety of Smartphones, Tablets & Accessories.
Step 3: Use for your purchases a Piraeus Bank card participating in the Rewards Program.
It’s so easy to earn 15% in yellows!
* Bill payments, online transactions, airtime renewals and prepaid contract purchases are excluded.